Bodystat Quadscan 4000
The Bodystat® QuadScan 4000 device offers a quick, easy, economical and non-invasive alternative to other methods of fluid assessment and Body Composition analysis (Body fat measurement), e.g. radioisotope dilution, underwater weighing.
The unique Illness Marker™ (whole body and segmental) is based on raw impedance data only, without the need for actual body weight.
Bodystat® QuadScan 4000 NG benefits:
- Assess nutritional status of patients on admission and pre-surgery
- Monitor the Illness MarkerTM during hospitalisation – without the need to weigh thepatient and irrespective of age, weight, population group *NEW*
- Monitor Lean Body Mass, rather than Total Body Weight to determine the patient’s response to nutritional supplements
- Determine if weight gain is due to increase in Lean Body Mass or fluid retention
- Able to monitor hydration status
- Test can be performed at the bedside, versus other more complicated and expensive methods
- Quick corrective action can be taken to improve the health of the patient
- Ease of use allows for regular monitoring of status as frequently as required (minutes, hours, days, etc)
- Number of measurement parameters can be selected to meet specific needs
- Trend graphs with QuadScan 4000 Software Program, available for quick evaluation for remedial action
Bodystat® QuadScan 4000 NG features:
- Multi-frequency BIA unit with Bluetooth for PC communication
- Segmental measurements possible using Illness Marker concept